Peaks of Cornelia
Property-type: Commercial / Location: Cornelia, Georgia Services: Interior Remodeling Metro Services Groups constructed a roll in shower for accessibility. Our contractors removed an existing tub and installed ADA compliant
Property-type: Commercial / Location: Cornelia, Georgia Services: Interior Remodeling Metro Services Groups constructed a roll in shower for accessibility. Our contractors removed an existing tub and installed ADA compliant
Property-type: Commercial / Location: Buford, Georgia Services: ADA Construction Metro Services Groups renovated three ADA bathrooms to ensure accessibility and built storage lockers for this property in Buford, Georgia.
Property-type: Commercial / Location: Greensboro, Georgia Services: Construction and Interior Remodeling Metro Services Groups worked with the property to address multiple areas throughout building that were found to have
Property-type: Commercial / Location: Mableton, Georgia Services: Interior Remodeling and Restoration Metro Services Groups work with the property to address damage to the kitchen caused after a water leak
Property-type: Commercial / Location: Tifton, Georgia Services: Interior Remodeling and Restoration Metro Services Groups worked with this residential property to address damage to cabinets and framing from a water
5402 Brown Station Road
Columbia, Missouri 65202
168 N Meramec Avenue, Suite 450
Clayton, Missouri 63105
3290 Northside Parkway, Suite 300
Atlanta, Georgia 30327